♥♥♥“Above all else, Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”(Proverbs 4:23)♥♥♥

♥♥♥“Above all else, Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”(Proverbs 4:23)♥♥♥

  “Guard your Heart,” Common Sense would tell us to guard our heart with those we like, but was that what Solomon what speaking about? Now Solomon is said to be one of the wisest men if not the Wisest of men of all time. And to make a comment about such things as dating, I just can’t believe that is what he is meaning. You see dating wasn’t even something that happened in these days, so let us travel deeper into this thought.
   In the heart of a man is the wellspring of life. “The wellspring of life,” Crazy words to put to a man’s heart. Jesus himself said he was the water of life, this is saying that our heart is a wellspring of life. There is something very deep in a man’s heart. So deep that it is said that life starts here- In the Heart.

  “Above all else” Guard your heart. This is an important statement and so looked right past. This world has become a very shallow place to be, and the heart is not looked at as something important.
But yet why does your heart beat harder when you See or hear a story with someone truly living. When the hero wins the fight, when he kisses his bride, when he is captured by his enemy, you well up inside.

  We are meant to live. Not die! Our heart is meant to have life. But if we don’t learn to Guard our heart it is going to die or possably it already has. Have you ever wondered why people are so cruel? I do believe that it starts here. People fail to guard their heart and so it dies. The Heart is the center of ones being. It is where the true man starts. Without heart a man is just deed or reputation or nothing more than a program with limitations. Without a heart you’re only a man chained to a wall.

  Wake your hearts! Do what ever it takes to keep your heart alive, cause only then can you love. In which there is none greater than love.

God bless you!


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